Lumbar bone tumor

Lumbar fibroma is a neurological disease of the spine affecting people of all ages in which degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in the lumbar spine. They affect discs, cartilage, and bone tissue.

pain in the lumbar region with osteonecrosis

The cause of the disease is the severe stress that the lower back goes through every day - when walking, sitting, lifting weights. It is important to start treatment for osteonecrosis as soon as possible to avoid possible complications. Lumbar osteosarcoma is a rather complicated disease, requiring complex treatment, under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

main function

Myeloma is a degenerative-dystrophic disorder in the joint tissues of the spine, located in the lumbar spine. In other words, this disease means destruction of the cartilage discs located between the vertebral bodies. The mobility of the vertebrae decreases, the distance between them decreases, the phenomenon of compression (compression) of nerve endings occurs.

The lumbosacral spine often suffers more than others due to the fact that it bears the maximum load. In 80% of patients who complain of back pain, doctors correctly diagnose osteonecrosis. The disease begins with the breakdown of glycoproteins in the connective tissue, the same compounds that give it its elasticity. The intervertebral discs are the first to suffer this process.

Each disc consists of a nucleus and an outer annular fibrosus. After the nucleus dries, the disc loses its elasticity, the annulus cracks and delamination. Through the gaps in the ring, the nucleus can fall out (forming a hernia).

As a result of these processes, the load on the vertebrae increases significantly, the body responds to this by sharply increasing the formation of bone tissue in places subject to the increased load.

Which vertebrae are affected?

The lumbar region consists of five vertebrae: L1-L5, the fifth vertebra attached to the sacrum. The discs between them are most commonly affected in osteosarcoma.

There are several types of idiopathic osteonecrosis, which differ in the location of the vertebrae.

  1. Diseases of the upper lumbar region (vertebra 1, 2 and 3).
  2. Sub-lumbar disease (vertebra 3, 4 and 5).
  3. Osteochondrosis of the sacrum (localized in the sacrum). This disease is very rare.
  4. Fusion of sacrum and vertebrae.

Developmental stages of luminescent osteonecrosis

There are four stages (sometimes three distinct) of lumbosacral osteonecrosis. Here they are:

  1. There are changes in the nucleus and its location.
  2. The destruction of the outer fibrous capsule begins.
  3. After the ring is broken, the nucleus falls out.
  4. The destructive process affects the vertebrae, joints, ligaments.

At the first stage of osteonecrosis, a person feels certain discomfort and pain in the lower back. It can be acute or painful in nature. There are muscle and blood vessel spasms, organ dysfunction.

Constriction of the vessels in the lower extremities can lead to atherosclerosis, dysfunction of the bladder.

In the second stage, due to the unstable vertebrae, the back muscles are often tense. The patient complains of lower back fatigue, discomfort, and uncertainty.

In stage 3, the disc nucleus falls out of the capsule and forms a herniated disc mass. Fragments of the disc fall out, compressing nerve roots inside internal organs, muscles, and skin. As a result of this, a change in the sensitivity of a certain area develops, a burning sensation, numbness and loss of sensitivity may develop. Nerve compression can lead to loss of motor function or muscle atrophy.

According to the area of visceral violation, doctors can tell the exact location of the damaged spine. If pieces of the disc fall into the spinal canal, it can compress the spinal cord. This often disrupts the functioning of the pelvic organs and motor function of the lower extremities.

In the fourth stage, there is a complete replacement of the disc tissues with dense connective tissue. The supporting functions of the spine are restored, the pain is slightly reduced, but its mobility and elasticity are lost.

The above stages are conditional, since the development of the disease is very individual.

Symptoms: the body will tell

Symptoms can be divided into major symptoms, related to changes in the spine, and other symptoms, related to internal deterioration due to a pinched nerve.


  • pain and numbness in the lower back. It may be temporary at first and manifests itself with exertion and movement. As they grow, they become permanent, which can be sharp or painful, appearing even when coughing or sneezing;
  • fatigue and depression;
  • decreased sensitivity of the lower extremities;
  • reduced mobility of the lower back;
  • curvature of the spine, curvature of the spine.


  • sharp back pain;
  • impaired reflexes;
  • shooting in the lower extremities, lame;
  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased sweating;
  • cold feet feeling.

Depending on the localization of osteonecrosis, pain is observed in different parts of the body:

  • with damage to 1-2 vertebrae - in the inguinal region;
  • with damage to 3-4 vertebrae - in the lower leg and in the thigh area;
  • with the defeat of the 5th vertebra - in the sacrum, lower back.

How is lumbosacral osteonecrosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis begins with a detailed survey of the patient. The physician should carefully listen to the patient's complaints, understand the localization and intensity of the pain, and pay special attention to the secondary symptoms (loss of skin sensitivity, impaired motor function).

The physician must monitor the development of symptoms over time, analyzing the nature and effectiveness of previous treatment (or self-treatment). At the same time, the doctor also needs to take note of the medical history, ask the patient about lifestyle, working conditions and previous medical conditions.

Special attention should be paid to posture, the possibility of curvature of the spine. Notable is the way the patient moves, the degree of development of the muscles.

The primary diagnostic tool for radiographic osteonecrosis is radiography. MRI and computed tomography have been used successfully.


The lumbosacral region has a number of unique features. The spinal cord ends at the level of the 12th thoracic-1 lumbar vertebra. In the surrounding area there are fibers of the spinal nerve, which are gathered into a bundle. The lumbar and sacral roots form the sciatic nerve.

The main feature of this part of the spine is a large load (dynamic and static), which he regularly experiences. This is why the discs in the lower back wear out sooner.

Possible consequences

This disease is dangerous because of its consequences:

  • damage to the knee and pelvic joints;
  • dysfunction of internal organs (capacity problems in men and reproductive organs in women);
  • low back pain, sciatica and migraine;
  • spinal cord compression, leading to impaired reflexes;
  • sciatic nerve inflammation.

Scientists still cannot answer exactly what causes this disease. Or rather, which factor has the greatest influence on its development. Some researchers believe that radiographic osteonecrosis is the price a person must pay for walking upright. Indeed, this disease has not been observed in animals.

The factors that cause this disease can be divided into extrinsic and intrinsic. Here are the main reasons that cause it:

  • severe spinal cord injury;
  • heredity;
  • flat feet;
  • long standing;
  • postural disorders;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess body weight;
  • unbalanced diet.

Who is at risk?

No one is immune to this disease. Genetic factors determine a greater or lesser predisposition to it. However, a person's external factors and lifestyle have a big influence on the likelihood of developing this disease.

Another cause of the disease is overuse and injury.

Proper nutrition is very important to prevent bone necrosis: the food must have all the necessary components, rich in vitamins and trace elements.


Treatment can be surgical or conservative. If the disease is in the stage of the appearance of herniated discs, surgical intervention is indispensable. Careful treatment includes the following methods:

  • drug treatment;
  • physical therapy and spinal traction;
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • physical therapy exercises.

Drug treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, muscle spasmolytics, and blocking agents. Chondroprotectors are also used, they relieve pain, promote regeneration of damaged cartilage. In some cases, hormonal drugs are used.


Basic principles for the prevention of luminescent osteonecrosis:

  • prevent excessive load on the lower back;
  • strengthen the muscles of the back;
  • maintain correct posture;
  • physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • regulations on rest regimes;
  • Timely treatment of other diseases of the back.

Treatment at home


There are quite simple exercises that a person can do independently at home. They are used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Their main task is to strengthen the back muscles to partially unload the spine.

exercise therapy

Exercise therapy is one of the main ways to treat osteonecrosis. Exercise helps strengthen muscles, which helps to reduce the load on the spine. Improves blood circulation in tissues, including discs. Exercise therapy helps to eliminate muscle tension, relieve pain.


Massage is an excellent treatment for lumbar spondylolisthesis. It improves blood supply to tissues, relieves pain, reduces clamping, enhances the strength of muscle corset.

Instead of ending

Summarizing the above, it can be seen that this disease is really the "disease of the century" that threatens any modern human.

Systemic osteolytic disease brings the patient extreme pain, can turn into a disabled person. This disease is very difficult to treat, especially in severe form.

The positive point is that it is within the power of each of us to avoid the development of osteonecrosis. All you need to do is take care of your spine: don't put too much stress on it, monitor your weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat normally, avoid injuries.

If you begin to notice the first symptoms of osteonecrosis, consult your doctor. In the early stages, this disease is quite easy to treat. Take care of your spine so that even in old age, the movements will bring you joy, not cause discomfort.